Employee Benefit Funds
Spivak Lipton represents employee benefits funds in all aspects of counseling and litigation related to health, retirement, training and other benefit plans. We develop relationships with Fund Trustees to assist them in fulfilling their fiduciary duties and ensuring proper administration of benefits.
In our Benefits Practice, Spivak Lipton helps Benefit Plan Trustees to -
Satisfy their fiduciary duties with respect to the plan
Comply with applicable statutes and regulations
Oversee the team of plan service providers to ensure proper administration of benefits
Develop, implement and communicate plan design changes
Navigate various challenges to providing benefits
Guiding plans through benefit redesign and restructuring
Helping plans navigate through government audits
Educating Trustees regarding the rules and regulations governing employee benefit funds.
Representing plans in collection actions
Defending plans from lawsuits from providers, employers, and benefit claimants
Negotiating and enforcing agreements with plan service providers
Counseling plans regarding appropriate benefit claims administration
Advising Fund Trustees when evaluating or negotiating plan mergers
Our attorneys offer benefit funds assistance by:
Advising Plan Trustees: We have deep experience in plan design, administration, and compliance and regulatory issues.
Representing Plan Trustees: We represent the interests of benefit funds and plan trustees in everything from collective bargaining to arbitration, and assist in dealing with regulatory bodies such as the Department of Labor (DOL) and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) on matters including governmental audits and investigations.
Negotiating and enforcing agreements with other parties: We work with plans to reach and enforce agreements on everything from third-party service agreements to plan mergers.
Assist in Collective Bargaining: When called upon, we assist bargaining parties in fully understanding benefit-related proposals and the impact of other proposals on the parties’ benefit plans.
Plan development and implementation: We assist with the design and establishment of new benefit plans and also help plans develop, implement and communicate changes to existing plan designs.
Education and communication: We are able to translate the complexities of benefit plans into straightforward language that keeps Trustees well-informed and able to answer questions from plan participants.
Litigation: We have experience litigating a broad range of ERISA issues including collection of delinquent contributions, individual benefit claims, fiduciary breach claims, and plan modification and termination issues.
Please contact Sara Corello at scorello@spivaklipton.com if you believe you may need legal assistance related to a Benefit Practice issue.